Sunday, February 14, 2010

Be My Valentine

Tom and I dont usually celebrate Valentine's day.  Maybe a card or a small box of chocolates, from which I will eat the caramels and then, after sitting for weeks on the counter, end up being throwing away anyway.  And, this year was really no exception.  I have friends who are amazed that we dont go out to a restaurant and wait for hours just to eat an overpriced meal.   To those of  you who do, more power to you.  But Tom's always been the type of guy to bring me a mixed bouquet of flowers from a grocery store for no reason and to me, that means more than feeling obligated to buy me a present due to a date on the calendar.

But this year, Tom gave me a gift and he doesnt even know it.  He gave me the gift of silence.  And relaxation.  He took the kids to the grocery store this morning and let me sit in my quiet house with a cup of hot tea, a book and some hot out of the oven cinnamon buns.  What more could a girl (or Mom of two) ask for?

What did Tom get from me this year?  Well, last night in my attempt to maintain peace and order in my house for the last hour before bedtime, I pulled out the construction paper, cut a million hearts out and let the kids make valentines for him.   The construction paper hearts wont last in this house for more than a day or two, but the excitement on my little girl's face when she gave her Daddy his valentine?  I hope I remember that forever.

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